
Shipping Policies

Estimated Shipping Time
  • Typically between 2-5 business days. May take longer or shorter depending on circumstances
Shipping FAQ
  • We ship worldwide!
  • Buyers are responsible for providing an accurate and up-to-date shipping address.
  • If you need to make a change to your shipping address, we will do our best to accommodate you; however, processing begins immediately and there may be instances that your shipping label has been created and cannot be changed.
  • If an item is not delivered to the buyer because of an inaccurate shipping address, please email us at, and we can begin the process of reshipment. The customer is responsible for the additional shipping cost.
Customs and Import Taxes
  • Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. We are not responsible for delays due to customs.
Returns, Exchanges, & Cancellations
  • At this time, returns, exchanges, and cancellations are not accepted.
  • If there is an issue with your order, please make sure to email